Pork sausages with honey, rosemary and sesame seeds

This just adds another dimension to your pork sausages.  Great with breakfast or as a cocktail snack.

 I agree with Nigel Slaters’s philosophy around cooking pork sausages – the slower the better.  He dedicates a whole chapter to sausages in his book ‘Real Food’..and says….’I want a sausage that is sticky outside and juicy within.  I want its skin to be tight, glossy and deep golden brown, and to be coated in that savoury, Marmite-like goo that only comes with slow cooking.’

Fry the pork sausages over a low heat turning all the time. I did mini ones, which tend to be dryer but cook quite quickly. About five minutes before they are done, add a good knob of butter and a few sprigs of rosemary.  The butter gives the banger a nice golden brown colour.  When they are cooked, drizzle some honey over and allow the sauce to just start bubbling, then immediately remove from the heat. If you cook them too much at this point,  the butter and honey turn into toffee.  Put them on a plate and sprinkle over the toasted sesame seeds.  You could add mustard to the pan just before adding the honey, but I’m a Dijon freak, so I like to dip the sausages in afterwards, thereby getting more on.

Adding rosemary and honey to bacon is also rather yummy!

mini pork sausages …..a tasty snack


  1. Sam these little porkers look delish and something even I can make! You really inspire me with ur food talents! I’ll try this out!

  2. Hi Sam, I’m very chuffed with myself: I made ur pork in honey for dinner and not only did they look like the photo but they tasted good too! Thanks and keep the recipes rolling! Good night Mel

  3. This looks fabulous! I have some sausages currently defrosting and I have all the ingredients needed for this flavour combo. I’ll be making this for dinner though rather than a cocktail snack. Maybe with some creamy mash potatoes and some steamed cauliflower on the side.

    I found your post on Foodgawker, but just wanted to let you know that your foodgawker link is out of date: https://www.food-e-matters.com/drizzleanddip/2010/02/pork-sausages-with-honey-rosemary-and-sesame-seeds/


    Luckily I found it anyway with a bit of online sleuthing.

  4. Thanks for making the effort to find it and fo pointing out about the broken link issue. I used to be hosted under a subdomain. I will see if Foodgawker can fix.

    I hope you enjoyed the sausages and certainly sound delicious with cauliflower and mash.


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