penne with parsley pesto, avocado and crispy bacon

pasta with parsley pesto, avo and crispy bacon

This is the last little easy supper I made using  the parsley pesto I bought at Giovanni’s the other day.

This is so simple to make it doesnt even require a recipe.

Cook your desired pasta to al dente.  I love whole wheat pasta these days.  Stir in a couple of tablespoons of parsley pesto, or basil pesto.  Chop in a few chunks of fresh avocado. Fry up a few rashers of bacon until crispy and toss the whole lot together. Grate over more parmesan if you like.

Pasta + parsley + garlic + olive oil + Parmesan + avo + crispy bacon = a shiny happy combination of flavours.

simply, easy and delicious

 The other recipes I made using parsley pesto:

stuffed artichokes

mussels steamed in white wine and parsley pesto


  1. This looks lovely Sam, although I would like mine without the Avo. Something about heat with Avo freaks me out! 😉 But I love how long that pesto lasted you!

  2. Great flavour combo – three of my favourite things. I’d probably add room temperature avo at the very end. As also don’t like sound of warm avo – but never actually tried it.

  3. I hear you on that Ally and also don’t like warm avo, but I like cold avo on warm things (gacamole, nachos, avo on pizza etc). And was pleased the pesto stretched over 3 recipes (all made in the same week)

  4. Hi Melanie, yes the avo is room temp and defs only added in at the end.

  5. I want a big bowl of that right now please! Do you deliver? 🙂

  6. I missed so many of your posts the last three weeks!! This sounds delicious and the plate is so pretty!!

  7. Thanks Zirkie, nice to see you again. S

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