The best ever crispy flatbread recipe

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The best ever crispy flatbread recipe

This is the best ever crispy flatbread recipe I have ever made or tasted. It’s so moreish and addictive that you will not be sorry that you made a big batch. Crispy flatbread is the perfect vessel to serve with a variety of dips and spreads. A summery Mediterranean feast would not be complete without a big pile of these perfectly irregular flatbreads. Designed for people to break off in shards.

To me, a crispy flatbread is a perfect snack because:

  1. Its bread
  2. It’s crispy, and I’m a crunch junky
  3. It’s a snack that is the perfect carrier of a lot of salt, and I love salt

I also prefer it to a biscuit which is laden with fat.

I fell in love with these flatbreads the first time I tasted them at Miss K Food Cafe and was lucky enough to get the recipe from the owner.  I have been dying to make them ever since. * Sadly Miss K is no longer open in Cape Town.

I am not going to lie and say that this didn’t require a lot of effort to make because it did. The quantities are large and suitable for a restaurant, thus the time it took to roll out multiple pieces of bread and bake in relays was pretty hefty. I realised about halfway through that I was making a hell of a lot so made a few rolls with some of the dough which turned out really well.

Next time I will make half the quantity, but the effort is so well worth it especially if you are making them for a party. Place a whole pile on a platter for people to break shards off and serve with pates, dips, and spreads.

The best ever crispy flatbread recipe

I also mixed it up and instead of only sprinkling sea salt on the bread, I used salt and rosemary on some, and my smoked salt, rosemary, and coriander mix on others.  I also tried adding sesame seeds, but these seemed to fall off after baking.

Crispy flat bread sheets

They went very well with what I consider to be the best ever chicken liver pate.

Recipe for a very large batch, halve it if you want to make it smaller:

The best-ever crispy flatbread recipe

This is the best-ever crispy flatbread recipe and is so addictive and delicious. Halve the quantities to make a smaller batch.
Print Recipe
A pile of the best ever crispy flatbreads with salt and rosemary
Prep Time:14 minutes
Cook Time:15 minutes


  •  1 kg of flour
  • 1.2 tsp salt I think it could have done with a little bit more
  • 10 gms instant yeast powder 1 packet
  • 2 Tbs sugar
  • 800 ml warm water luke
  • olive oil for brushing
  • salt and herbs for sprinkling


  • Place all the ingredients except the water in a mixer with a paddle attachment. Briefly mix on low to mix the dry ingredients.
  • Add the warm water and mix on low for about 8 – 10 minutes.  The dough is extremely sticky.  I was a little concerned as it seemed to stay sticky, but I removed the paddle and left the dough in the mixing bowl and covered it with a tea towel, and left it in a warm place to prove.
  • The recipe indicated that it needed to prove for an hour, but I think I must have left mine for about 2. 5 hours.  It rose to the point of jumping out of the bowl.  
  • Preheat the oven to 200 C /400F when you are ready to bake.
  • Punch the dough back and empty it onto a well-floured surface.  It is still fairly sticky at this point.  Break off a small ball, knead briefly, and roll out very thinly to just before it starts to tear, and place it on a baking tray that has been greased or lined with silicone parchment paper.  I find this the very best surface to bake on.
  • Brush generously with olive oil, sprinkle over the salt (fairly generously) and rosemary and bake for about 15 minutes until golden brown. Keep watching it.  Repeat until you have completed all your flatbreads.


These can be made in advance and stored in a sealed container until use.
Servings: 10
Author: Sam Linsell



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  1. Spot on Sam. Love this snack. Cheap and tastes way better than……you’ve said it, biscuits!

  2. LOVE love loved this bread – and it was perfection with your chicken liver pate, which just so happens to be the best chicken liver pate ever. In the world. Ever. x

  3. Thanks Lori and thanks for sharing it with me. Roll on summer picnic’s.

  4. I am using your recipe and the flavor is great. My only problem, the bread doesn’t seem to bake at the recommended 200 temp. I eventually turned the oven up and finished baking. Help????

  5. Um, never mind. Sorry for my sloppy reading. Conversation chart should have been a hint…….

    Great recipe. Thanks!

  6. just discovered this website and I am IN LOVE

  7. Thanks Mary – so glad you enjoy 🙂

  8. Dear Sam, I saw a pinterest image of a flat bread recipe with a link to your page, but I couldn’t find the same recipe, here’s the link, I wonder if you have the recipe for what appears to be an onion and pancetta flat bread? BTW – I like your web site, simple, clean and informative.

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