My cape town book launch celebration
last week I celebrated the launch of my book with a few friends at Sotano in Mouille Point. I felt I wanted to mark this significant occasion in my life with a small party.
I was totally blown away by the love and support from friends and family who braved a tretcherous Cape storm to be there. Thank you so much!
The occasion was a little overwhelming for me and in many ways I cant believe I have actually published my own cookbook. This is a project that has been long in the making and finally seeing my book on a shelf has been an almost surreal experience.
I’m so excited my ‘baby’ has been born.
I would love to say that it has all been a bed of roses, but no amount of immersion into the landscape of book publishing could have prepared me for some of the difficulties. Embracing the unknown and taking huge risks has also led to an immense amount of personal growth and satisfaction.
This book is the physical manifestation and an extension of my blog Drizzle and Dip. A very joyful space for me, where I get to cook, bake, play, create share and eat with anyone who is interested. I feel thoroughly blessed that I have the opportunity to do what I truly love.
Thank you to everyone who has offered me support along the way.
Thank you Pete Goffe-Wood for saying so many wonderful things as you introduced my speech. It was so special for me that you were there.
Thank you to Sotano for hosting my party, it was the perfect place and the snacks were delicious. With a wild storm battering down, it was warm and cozy inside.
A big thank you to De Wetshof for sponsoring 3 stunning wines for the party. Danie De Wet captured my imagination as a 19-year-old Hotel School student upon hearing about his pioneering antics with Chardonnay in South Africa.We visited the beautiful estate in Robertson on our wine tour way back then, and his Chardonnay was one of the first wines I ever fell in love with. I was so honoured to have them served at my book launch last week.
My friend Jon Meinking took these stunning photographs at my party.
There may or may not have been quite a lot of tequila drunk later on in the evening, there may or may not have been an after party with a handful of fun friends, but one thing is for sure, last Tuesday was a night I will never forget.
To see all the picture from my party visit my Drizzle and Dip facebook page.
Find me on Instagram & Pinterest
Was a stunning event for a beautiful book…
Thanks L 🙂
Congratulations on the publication of your cookbook. It looks like an well-attended, exciting party – a great way to celebrate this moment.
Thanks Suzanne, its been an exhilarating wild ride for sure.
Youa re so loved and so supported! I am so sad I wasnt there and I have no doubt about the stunning success this book will be. I am SO proud of you! xxx
Thanks Lori, you were missed xx