lightly poached guava ice cream

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There are few better ways to enjoy guava’s than when they are lightly poached in a sugar syrup. I love to add star anise and vanilla to the sauce to give it a spicy lift.

These poached guava’s added to a vanilla ice cream, transforms them into something quite delightful.

First you poach the guavas:

  • 800g guava (this makes more than you will need for the ice cream, but fabulous to serve with it)
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 vanilla pod with the seeds scraped out
  • 3/4 cup of sugar
  • 3 star anise pods

Bring the water and sugar to a boil and then add the fruit and gently simmer for 10 minutes. Remove the fruit and continue to cook the syrup until it starts to thicken slightly. Allow to cool.

Then you make the ice-cream:

When the sugar syrup and poached fruit has cooled, start making the ice cream.

  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 large eggs (fresh and free range)
  • 1 1/2 cups of double cream
  • 3/4 of a cup of the cooled poaching syrup
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 t vanilla extract
  • 2 cups of poached guava’s – roughly chopped

Using an electric mixer beat the sugar and eggs for about 3 minutes until light and fluffy. Add the cream, milk, vanilla and sugar syrup and mix. Add the poached guavas and lightly blend with a hand-held stick blender to incorporate the fruit into the cream mix.

Process this through your ice-cream machine according to manufacturer instructions and until its frozen.

Spread the ice cream out into a flat tray and freeze immediately until ready to serve. I find storing it in a flat container makes the scooping process easier, but if you are not worried about making perfect balls, any container will do.

This was delicious served with a light dusting of cinnamon and a few slices of freshly cut guavas. You could also have a scoop on your left-over poached guava’s.

Hello Summer!

* check out a few other fabulous ice creams I’ve made on my recipe index (and one other idea below).

guava ice cream

And then one thing led to another and I was feeling quite inspired by a drink a friend of mine on Twitter loves to make, namely a vanilla ice-cream and guava juice float. So I decided to make one using my guava ice cream.

It was delicious.

Simply scoop your ice cream into a tall glass filled 3/4 of the way up with guava juice, schmoosh it around to get the ice cream to melt a bit, and drink.

Reminding me of the frulata’s I made as a child, this is a winning summer drink for kids and adults that want to be like kids.


I look forward to connecting with you again in the future.

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I can also be found enthusiastically pinning beautiful food images on Pinterest. 



  1. You’re a honey! And it looks bloody delicious. Such great childhood memories. Definitely serving guava floats at the restaurant…


  2. Hi Meg, it was too fab and so glad I gave it a whirl. I cant wait for your restaurant to open. x

  3. This looks fabulous – I so miss guavas here in the UK as fresh are virtually unobtainable. When you are lucky to find them (usually in Asian food stores) they are usually green and resemble cricket balls!
    Do you think I could use the canned ones as a substitute?

  4. Wow … that was pretty color!!
    I love guavas, but I never did guava sorbet. Now it’s time to try this delicacy. I loved the recipe and also the pictures. Gina

  5. Hi Gina, its more of a creamy ice-cream than a sorbet… I’m not too sure about guava as a sorbet. But then again, you can pretty much make any fruit into a sorbet.


  6. Thank you Sarah 🙂

  7. christelle is flabbergasting says:

    Oh this ice-cream looks so refreshing! And I love your styling!

  8. Thanks Christelle, I have to say I loved the flavour of guava in ice cream and will definitely be making it next year when they are back in season.

  9. Wow! Trying this out…did you scoop out the seed out of the guavas before poaching them? I wasn’t quite sure from the recipe.

  10. Hi Jennifer, I just trimmed the ends off slightly to remove the stalk parts, but no scooping of any flesh. Enjoy!

  11. Awesome! I actually went ahead and made it. Turns out during poaching, the seeds float to the top anyway. Was there a reason why you decide to chop the guava rather than puree it? Perhaps it’s because you have hand blender that works? 😉 I decided to puree (in a blender) prior to mixing it with the base knowing that my immersion blender would fail helplessly. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  12. Mimi Chau says:

    Hi ! This looks so yummy ! If I don’t have a hand blender can I put all the contents into a regular blender? Or how would you reccomend mixing it?

  13. Hi Mimi – I would actually blend the poached guavas separately in your blender and then combine them through the ice cream mixture and then churn through an ice cream machine.

  14. I didn’t see where you talk about the guava seeds? I’m from hawaii. We have guava on the side of the road. But the seeds are hard as nails and I’d assume like we see people serve Lilikoi seeds in foods. We would nevertheless serve or cook with the seeds just the pulp or strained purée. We would like whhh?? anyways,we’d eat fruit informally, just curious if you leave the seeds in the poached fruit?
    Mahalo ??
    Definitely gonna make some guava ice cream though. Yours looks yum!

  15. HI Kalena and sorry for the late reply. Guava seeds are not that hard in South Africa and I certainly keep them in the fruit when I poach them and do not have a problem eating them. Maybe you get a different type in Hawaii

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