bacon and egg breakfast pies

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bacon and egg breakfast pies

It occurred to me that a pie would be a perfect thing to have for breakfast, so these bacon and egg breakfast pies came about.

breakfast bacon and egg pies

An individual savoury pie is a self-contained meal, so I have included a few other breakfast elements to go with the egg and bacon. Mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese. You can mix and match depending on your taste, adding whatever other flavours you like, or keeping it vegetarian.

I sprinkled dried smoked chilli flakes in a couple and scattered thyme here and there. I roasted a few vine cherry tomatoes with the pies to accompany the ones that didn’t have them baked in. The pies were crunchy, flaky, breakfasty and very delicious.

The main checkpoint with this recipe is to pre-bake the pastry cases for 10 minutes so the puff pastry develops a base and sides to contain the filling. I like to use Woolworths all butter puff pastry. You score a rim around the side, which after the initial baking creates an inner cavity to put the ingredients in. I also placed the mushrooms and cheese in a basket-like shape close to the rim to further assist in holding the egg as it is very shallow. You can use 1 – 2 slices of bacon per pie, and a slice of prosciutto would also work well – possibly more effectively to encase the eggs. I hope this all makes sense.

The pies would be perfect to take to a breakfast picnic or serve a lot of people at brunch. Im quite partial to bacon and egg at any time of the day, so I think they do well for lunch and supper too.

Bacon and egg breakfast pies

Bacon and egg puff pastry pie recipe.
Print Recipe
bacon and egg breakfast pies
Prep Time:15 minutes
Cook Time:25 minutes
Total Time:30 minutes


  • 250 g square of ready-rolled all-butter puff pastry
  • 4 free-range eggs
  • 2 large brown mushrooms sliced
  • 1/2 cup mature white cheddar grated
  • 6 - 8 slices of streaky bacon
  • cherry tomatoes optional
  • Fresh thyme leaves to scatter
  • Dried smoked chilli flakes optional


  • Pre-heat the oven to 180C / 350 F
  • Cut the puff pastry into 4 squares and place it on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
  • Score an 8-100 mm rim inside the pastry, cutting about halfway through the pastry, and bake for 10 minutes until puffed up and just starting to turn golden brown.
  • Fry the bacon in a non-stick pan until crispy, drain and set aside.
  • In the same pan fry the sliced mushroom in the bacon fat (yes it gives it more flavor), adding a splash of olive oil or a knob of butter if it gets too dry. Set aside.
  • Remove the pies from the oven and push down the inner cavity part carefully so that you create a raised rim with the sides of the pastry. Gently arrange a few fried mushrooms on the bottom and around the sides. Top with the grated cheese, and place the bacon around the edge. Break an egg into the middle of each pie, return to the oven and bake for a further 10 - 15 minutes until the eggs are cooked.
Servings: 4 pies
Author: Sam Linsell

bacon and egg breakfast pies

I look forward to connecting with you again in the future.

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  1. Hmmmmmm!

  2. They look AMAZING!

    Definitely going to try these out… 😉

  3. BIG FAT CONGRATULATIONS on your Blog Award!
    Best South African Food Blog in the Fairlady Magazine 2013 Consumer Awards.

  4. Thanks Maria – I’m thrilled 🙂

  5. Yummy YUMMY yummy, I love bacon and tomatoes and this looks like the perfect breakfast for this weekend. Congrats on your award!

  6. Thanks Maggie, and enjoy! 🙂

  7. Thanks Laura x

  8. Yay… How exciting Sam! Congratulations on your award and future US publication! Maybe this can lead to visits over this way. 🙂
    That breakfast pie looks amazing! I love breakfast for dinner… so I’ll be making this very soon

  9. Hello Shay, so lovely to hear from you as I don’t see you on Twitter these days. Yes, hopefully getting closer and closer to the US of A. Yippeee.
    Sam x

  10. Thanks Ash 🙂

  11. this is such a brilliant idea! They look amazing. Does the egg yolk stay soft or does it cook through?

  12. Hi Laura, Unfortunately with baked eggs, in order to set the white the yolk goes hard too.

  13. Where can one get dried smoked chilli flakes in Cape Town?

  14. I followed the link on Foodie Crush & I’m so glad I did…. these look fabulous !!
    Have you ever made Eggs in a Frame? If not – you just use a glass or a cookie cutter to make a round hole in the middle of a piece of buttered bread. Put the buttered bread, buttered side up, in a frying pan in which you’ve melted a bit of butter. Break an egg into the “hole” and cook until egg is almost set – then flip it over and cook on that side BUT just for a few seconds. I also fry the bread holes – yummy !!
    Gonna pin your wonderful recipe IMMEDIATELY !!

  15. I made the Jerusalem version of these a while back and never thought to adapt the idea for a simple breakfast…this is brilliant!

  16. Congratulations Sam on your blog award – very well deserved. Love reading your blog and I purchased your book through Kalahari, as I’m an ex South African living in Australia. Still getting through all the recipes, love it so far.

  17. Hi Cecile, what a lovely idea, thanks for sharing.

  18. Hi Michelle, I used to smoke them, but have seen than in Woolies.

  19. That us so lovely to hear Gail. Made my day.

  20. I must check out the Jerusalem version, recently bought the book.

  21. Congratulations on your award! And congratulations on this beautiful recipe. I’ve only baked eggs once and didn’t have good results. Your photos have me inspired to try it again. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Thanks Lea Ann – just make sure you make a well in the middle to fill the eggs so they don’t spill out.

  23. Made these for Mother’s Day breakfast before church. What a hit! After the prebake and pat down of center section I added cooked bacon, shredded parm and fresh spinach for about 10 min more. Final bake was with egg, jack cheese, cherry tomato, and spices. Almost had to make more to keep the peace. Will be a regular from now on.

  24. Hi Randy those sound so good. Glad to hear they were such a hit.

  25. They look amazing!! I’m going to try these out this weekend!
    Can you please tell you what you mean by score a 8-100mm rim in the pastry?
    I’m confused as how you make all the ingredients stay in side after baking the pastry?
    Thanks soo much!!

  26. Hi Lucie, sorry for the late reply. By scoring the pastry you create a little ‘wall’ rim around the edges which holds all the fillings in. The sides puff up. Dont put any filling on this edge.

  27. markamsterdam says:


  28. These look incredible!! I’ll be trying this recipe out this weekend!!

  29. These look so yummy!!! What does it mean to score the edge???

  30. Hi Lisa, to score the edge means to cut lightly through the pastry – about half way down, and this creates a little border so when you add the filling, the middle part sort of sinks in bit. You are wanting to create a little wall in the puff pastry. you may need to press the inner square bit in after th initial baking

  31. Hi Sam, the business of scoring and glazing the border, baking the pastry for 10 minutes, squashing down the middle and only THEN adding the filling which just makes all the difference. Thank you 🙂

  32. Glad it worked out for you Alison. Yes, I love to do that with puff it makes it crispier and holds everythign in better.

  33. I prefer having my egg fully cooked.though it is a nice recipe.

  34. HI Dannie, this recipe actually cooks the egg through as you can see from the pics.

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