Rachel Khoo’s roast red wine chicken

Red wine roast chicken recipe

This hearty tray roast red wine chicken with vegetables is a delicious and easy weeknight supper recipe. Everything cooks together in one tray making it mainly hands off. Onions, carrots and new potatoes makes this a complete meal

This delicious roast red wine chicken comes from Rachel Khoo’s second cookbook – My Little French Kitchen and follows on from her wildly popular book and TV series- My Little Paris Kitchen. Rachel takes the reader on a journey across France and is as much a visual treat as it is a collection of regional French recipes. The book is shot by David Loftus, who also happens to shoot all of Jamie Oliver’s stuff. It is beautiful.

I absolutely loved the TV series My Little Paris Kitchen on BBC Lifestyle and am very excited about a brand new TV series:

Rachel Khoo returns to London – the city where she was born and bred – and gets reacquainted with one of the world’s most exciting capitals and its fantastic food. Rachel meets people who share her passion for all things delicious – uncovering new trends and the colourful diversity of the capital’s cooking; sketching, snapping pictures and recording what she discovers in her notebook along the way to inspire new dishes in her own kitchen.

The series delivers Rachel’s unique take on her hometown; offering us a slice of her new London life and a raft of beautiful new recipes that reflect it.


This recipe for poulet rôti au vin rouge or roast red wine chicken comes from her Bordeaux chapter, and I used a fantastic free-range chicken which I bought from a Karoo Farm and which I jointed myself.

It took a matter of minutes to whip up the marinade, then all that was left was some time in the fridge (overnight is optimal) and a roast in the oven. I cooked it for longer than the 45 minutes in her recipe. perhaps because my chicken was a very big one, but it needed about 80 minutes.

Rachel says:

Tips: Buying a whole chicken always works out more affordable. If you aren’t up for dissecting it yourself, ask your butcher to cut it into pieces for you. Otherwise, if there’s no knife-wielding butcher about you can always cheat and go for chicken thighs. If you’re unsure whether the chicken is cooked through, pierce with a sharp knife and the juices from the chicken should come out clean.

Get ahead: The veg and chicken can be prepared up to a day in advance, then simply pop it all in the baking tray and cook as indicated in the recipe.

Poulet rôti au vin rouge / Roast red wine chicken  

Roast red wine chicken

Red wine roast chicken recipe with new potatoes and carrots.
Print Recipe
Red wine roast chicken recipe
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:1 hour 30 minutes


  • 150 ml red wine
  • 100 g tomato paste
  • 3 sprigs of thyme leaves picked
  • 3 sprigs of marjoram leaves picked, or ½ teaspoon dried
  • 100 ml red wine vinegar
  • 1 whole chicken cut into 8 pieces approx. 1.5kg
  • salt and ground black pepper
  • 500 g baby potatoes washed
  • 3 onions peeled and cut into quarters
  • 6 carrots peeled and cut into quarters lengthways


  • Mix together the red wine, tomato paste, herbs and red wine vinegar. Season the chicken pieces with plenty of salt and pepper then place in a bag with the marinade.
  • Shake the bag to make sure each piece is well coated. Place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. In the meantime, place the potatoes in a pan of cold water, put the lid on top and bring up to the boil.
  • Boil for 1–2 minutes, then drain in a colander. Place the onions, carrots and potatoes in a large baking dish or tray (big enough to fit the chicken and the vegetables) and pour over 125ml of water. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Remove the chicken from the fridge and arrange the pieces, skin side up, in a layer on top of the vegetables in the dish.
  • Pour the rest of the marinade over the chicken. Cover with a sheet of baking paper or foil and roast in the preheated oven for 30 minutes.
  • Remove the baking paper or foil and baste the chicken with the cooking liquid. Roast, uncovered, for another 15 minutes or until the skin is crisp (I baked it for about 40 minutes vs 15 minutes, turning the chicken once). Serve immediately.


Any leftovers can be stored in the fridge and reheated in a microwave.
Servings: 4
Author: Sam Linsell


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  1. Hi Sam,
    I have the book and I love Rachel Khoo and this chicken looks so moreish and delicious!

  2. I’m an avid Rachel Khoo fan and loving her new series. One of my favourite English dishes is shepherds pie. I have lovely childhood memories of mom’s Thursday night staple.

  3. I love Rachel Khoo. My favourite English dish has to be good old fish and chips with mushy peas! Yum!

    Have tweeted too. 🙂

  4. ursula strauss says:

    Like. Share. Tweet Tweet. I love too many VERY British dishes but my all time favourite is a traditional shepards pie. RACHEL is lovely.

  5. ursula strauss says:

    Hi the lovely Sam. Loving this lady and I need a new inspiration. My favourite British dish has to be a good old shepards pie….?????

  6. Theresa Scott says:

    Has to be good old Sunday roast with honey-roasted veggies.

  7. This dish looks amazing! the book looks amazing! Thanks.

  8. I absolutely love Rachel Khoo! Definitely one of my favorites! As for a Brithish dish: got to love a classic sunday roast, with yummy yorkshire pudding and plenty of gravy.

  9. Bangers and mash 🙂 or proper super crunchy fully battered fish and chips from a local chippy with LOADS of vinegar 🙂

  10. As far as English dishes go, a good old fashioned creamed tea is my favourite, Nothing beats clotted cream 🙂

  11. I’ve been eyeing Rachel Khoo’s recipe books for a while, it looks brilliant! We don’t own a television: I’m obviously missing out on some awesome cooking shows. [boo hoo]
    Favourite English dish? I’d have to say Yorkshire pudding – so versatile.

  12. Liesl Bush says:

    Definitely Bangers and Mash – Has managed to find a very good Butcher that makes the most amazing Bangers

  13. I LOVE Rachel Khoo! And I love her recipe process and the way she thinks about food. My favourite English dish is definitely Yorkshire pudding with proper gravy. Heaven!

  14. Nothing beats bangers and mash with caramelized onions

  15. Thanks for the heads up on the television show. Hope I can find it, and love the design of her cookbook. This recipe looks so very delicious. And as far as English Food? Probably fish and chips. Sharing on Facebook.

  16. Thanks Lea-Ann – its was totally delicious and I will be making it again.

  17. I love combination of red wine and chicken. Usually I see it with beef of some sort…i will have to add this dish to our menu next week. Thank you much 🙂

  18. My favourite typical english dish would have to be Lemon Meringue Pie – Sue me, I love my desserts! My childhood and all time favourite would also have to be Toad in the Hole, I would beg my dad to make it for dinner!
    I love all english food!, definitely my favourite type of meals to make & eat 🙂

  19. Apparently it’s of British origin and its one of my favourite meals of all time: proper pea and ham soup! Yum yum!

  20. Definitely going to try this recipe, roast chicken is one of my all-time fave meals! I grew up with lots of typically English food thanks to my UK-born Gran. My favourite meal of hers was a topside beef pot roast with boiled potatoes, mushy peas, the best yorkshire pud in the world, and gravy made from the meat juices and potato water. I wish I could eat it right now!

  21. Only just discovered Rachel Khoo and think she is delightful. My fave has to be bangers and mash – since I was about 8 🙂

  22. A beef and ale pie for sure and now I want roast veggies for dinner!!
    Twitter (@JessKa_F)

  23. Ah, English scones. Mainly because I always struggle to get them right – so when I do, it’s a treat!

  24. Nicola Meyer says:

    My typical English dish is Toad in the Hole which thinking of it now, I haven’t made in years

  25. I have heard so much about Rachel Khoo , I am just dying to try some of her recipes.
    Holding fingers and toes.
    x heather

  26. Anita Steenkamp says:

    I love bangers and mash with mushy peas! Shared on Twitter @anitasteenkamp1

  27. My absolute fave is sticky toffee pudding! Can’t wait for winter now… 🙂

  28. Fav English dish has gotta be the sophisticated afternoon tea. Cucumber sandwiches, cake, scones and clotted cream with English breakfast tea, you can’t go wrong! Fish and chips is a winner too! With minted mushy peas of course. Mmmmmm

  29. You cannot beat a good Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudding! YUM!

  30. Nina Du Plessis says:

    Toad-in-the-hole and scones are my absolute favorites (:

  31. Tracy jacobs says:

    Love this lady and what she does in the kitchen. Love Yorkshire pudding, with roast beef and all the trimmings.

  32. Treacle tart! Mainly because I love the word treacle. ; )

  33. It’s gotta be Yorkshire Pudding served traditionally with loads of gravy or my best is for dessert with Maple Syrup and Cream. So yummy!

  34. You can’t wrong with rare roast beef, Yorkshire pudding and all the trimmings!

  35. rehana seedat says:

    My favourite english dishes are Roast beef, horseradish and mustard!! Also love Yorkshire Pudding & cottage Pie. I have tweeted @rehanaseedat and shared post via facebook. I absolutely love cooking & baking and am crossing fingers & toes for this much loved & wanted giveaway.

  36. Karen Milford says:

    Hey Sam – if you wanted to freeze this, would you do it post-cooking or post marinading? {questions from a rookie freezer 😉 }

  37. Hi Karen, I would freeze after cooking. makes more sense to cook it all in one go (quite long) – then portion off for freezing after its cooled.

  38. My most memorable is stovies. Just googled it & it really is a proper dish! I thought my late mother who was Scottish made it up!! She always made it on a Monday after the weekend roast. Worth looking up just to see how hideous the pictures are!!

  39. my fav would be Toad-in-the-hole , simple yet delicious

  40. Astrid Julies says:

    Livers and mash definately; and Rhubarb with custard as desert

  41. I have Rachel Khoo’s first book and I love it. Favourite British dish? Scones with jam and cream and obviously tea!

  42. A Sunday roast has to be the pinnacle of good English food. It can be a chicken, a leg of lamb, pork with crackling or roast beef, as long as it’s got loads of roast potatoes and gravy made from the juices.

  43. mmm scones with lots of strawberry jam, yum!

  44. Hello Sam, my favourite – Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding and lots of gravy 🙂

  45. It would be a ploughman’s lunch. Cheese and more cheese. Yum

  46. Can’t wait to try out this chicken recipe. Bangers an mash are delish. But growing up my mom made Shepard pie that was amazing. so it’s always hard to top a childhood staple . Would love to try more of ur recipes !!! Good luck to all

  47. Toni McCann says:

    Beeeeg fan! My favorite typically English dish would have to be a freshly baked scone and tea. Strawberry jam and cream are essential. To die for!

  48. Thanks all for entering and sharing on your social media, and the winners are: Heather, Anita, Ursula and Lori.
    I will be in touch with you directly about sending you your prizes.


  49. Coq au vin. An old classic.

  50. This looks so good, I want to make it this Sunday for Mother’s Day!
    Just want to get clarification…..In step 4 am I adding the “rest of the marinade” that the chicken was marinating in, or am I saving some from the recipe?

    Thanking you in advance,

  51. Hi, yes you are using the marinade that the chicken was in. There is only this marinade 🙂

  52. I think there is something amiss with this recipe. I followed the recipe to the roasting. I have now baked the chicken at 200 degrees for 30 minutes and then at 400 degrees (thought maybe 200 was a typo) for 30 minutes and the chicken is still raw. Am I doing something wrong?

  53. Hi Derinda

    Not sure as it all looks good to me. It is 200 C (celcius not farenheit). I mention that I baked it for 30 minutes and then 40 minutes although Rachles recipe says 15 minutes.

    ‘Pour the rest of the marinade over the chicken. Cover with a sheet of baking paper or foil and roast in the preheated oven for 30 minutes. Remove the baking paper or foil and baste the chicken with the cooking liquid. Roast, uncovered, for another 15 minutes or until the skin is crisp (I Baked it for about 40 minutes vs 15 minutes, turning the chicken once). Serve immediately.”

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