The best-ever ginger miso ice cream

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ginger miso ice cream

This ginger miso ice cream is now up there amongst the best ever and most delicious ice creams I have ever made. I am extremely proud of it. The fact that it contains no eggs or dairy and is vegan is quite astonishing in itself.

ginger miso ice cream

I first made it last year when I really fell in love with miso paste and started using it in my cooking. It’s an ingredient I am never without in my kitchen, and I was eager to try it in a dessert.

The miso has a lovely salty butterscotch flavour which when added to cream is a lot like salted caramel. It may even be better than salted caramel. It’s somehow richer.

Do not be put off thinking it is only used in savoury dishes. The ginger is a perfect match in this ice cream and I have used fresh ginger – which I infused in syrup – and crystalised ginger which is added to the ice cream for flavour and subtle texture.

It’s incredibly creamy and mind-blasting tasty it’s hard to believe it’s made with only 5 ingredients.

ginger miso ice cream

It has taken me a couple of tests to get the sugar levels exactly right in this recipe. I wanted the ginger to be prominent but not overpower the ice cream.

I added a teaspoon of lime juice which brightens it up ever-so-slightly but this is not totally necessary. I am happy that I now have the flavour exactly where I want it and for me, this is the best ginger miso ice cream I have ever tasted. Not that I have ever tasted any other ginger miso ice creams before, so I can genuinely say this without hesitation.

The only miso paste I have found in South Africa is a light golden colour and not as white as the white miso paste I have seen in other countries but is perfect for this recipe. You should be able to get it at your nearest Asian supermarket.

A few of my ice cream recipes you might like:

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Recipe makes about 650ml

Ginger miso ice cream (vegan)

A super easy and delicious vegan ginger & miso ice cream recipe.
Print Recipe
Prep Time:20 minutes


  • 150 ml water
  • 115 g 1/2 a cup sugar
  • 5 cm piece of ginger peeled and sliced
  • 400 ml 1 tin coconut milk
  • 2 Tbsp white miso paste
  • 1 Tbsp finely chopped or minced crystalised ginger
  • 1 tsp ginger syrup
  • 1 tsp fresh lime juice optional


  • Bring the water, sugar, and ginger to a boil in a small pot until the sugar has dissolved. Bash the ginger around with a blunt object. Allow the syrup to cool and the ginger to infuse further.
  • Strain the syrup into a bowl and add the coconut milk, miso paste & crystalized ginger, and ginger syrup. Whisk to ensure the miso is thoroughly incorporated. Add a teaspoon of lime juice (optional).
  • Pour the mixture into the ice cream machine and churn until it is a scoopable consistency. Remove and freeze until ready to serve.


To make this without an ice cream machine:
Pour the cooled mixture into a Ziploc bag. Place the bag on a tray and flatten it out and seal it. Freeze the bag for a few hours or overnight. Once frozen, remove from the bag and break into chunks into the bowl of a food processor. Whiz the processor for 30 seconds or until smooth.
Scrape down the bowl with a spatula and decant it into a metal container. Smooth the surface and freeze until solid and you are ready to serve.
Servings: 600 ml
Author: Sam Linsell


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  1. Oh wow, this sounds amazing. Or like that dude in the pizza ad says – ama-zing. So making this one this weekend!

  2. Oh my goodness! Your pictures are gorgeous and your recipes just as enticing! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Really beautiful pictures as always. This looks and sounds amazing!

  4. I cannot wait to try this. I love, love, love miso. I never would have thought to make ice cream with it. Brilliant!

  5. Thanks Annie 🙂

  6. Thanks Matt 🙂

  7. Wow, looks sublime!

  8. OMG… looks super gorgeous and tempting.. your photography is awesome.. Divine! 🙂

  9. I can’t love this ice cream more!!! It’s got everything I like, and even better made without eggs or dairy.
    I have a friend with dietary problem, so she will be so happy I give her your blog URL 🙂
    Thank you SO MUCH

  10. Thanks Pang – I love ice cream made with coconut milk – and I have another recipe for a lime and coconut ice cream on my site which is also delicious, vegan and super easy.

  11. Thanks Hari 🙂

  12. Hi Sam.
    This ice cream looks sublime, even in the midst of winter!
    Your images are truly beautiful. What a gift.

  13. This look awesome! I love ice cream made from coconut milk but I never would have thought to use miso for ice cream.

  14. Thanks so much Dianne 🙂

  15. Yipee! Yipee!! this is an eggless ice cream recipe–wow Sam–i am so going to try this ASAP. & your pics are just amazing

  16. I would like to make this,but am confused about the 1tsp ginger syrup listed.Do you only use 1tsp of the syrup made in step 1?

  17. Hi Anita – yes I add just 1 teaspoon of the syrup that the crystalised ginger is stored in to the mix.It has a lovely flavour. I added more before but it was too sweet.

  18. what sort of ice cream scoop is that?!

  19. Hi Mel its a spring back vintage scoop

  20. Super SHARP images! I LOVE ice cream of ANY flavor — although I don’t think I should start to make my own.
    Awesome ice cream scoop — must be worth a fortune!

  21. HI Donna, yes it was one of the most expensive props Ive ever bought. But I couldnt resist. 🙂

  22. hmmmm yumyum

  23. Kerry Ann says:

    What is miso
    Do you find this in Woolies or Coles

  24. Hi Kerry Ann – I buy my miso at my local asian supermarket. We only get one kind in SA. its a light brown colour and I use that in all my recipes. I have never seen it at woolies.

  25. Wow! These flavors sound amazing! Would love to try this recipe!

  26. HI Nancy, thanks so much, but please can you subscribe via my site. Look in the right hand column and enter your details under the ‘subscribe’ box. I cant do it for you. Nest

  27. Dara Christensen says:

    Still unclear as to when/how crystallized ginger is added? Is crystallized ginger sliced fine as garnish?

    To finish with a 650ml product, all the ginger syrup in step one must be added: 150ml water and 400ml coconut milk equals 650ml.

    The teaspoon of ginger syrup, you state, comes from crystallized ginger container. My crystallized ginger comes dry, covered with sugar.

  28. Hi Dara, I have updated the recipe. You just need to add it into the ice cream with the miso. I had problems with my recipe plugin so had difficulty updating it. I hop eyou enjoy it!

  29. Hi Sam,
    Thanks for sharing this unique recipe, looks delicious! Just wondering if it’s possible to make this without an ice cream maker?

  30. Ah thanks so much for your speedy reply and helpful tip, excited to attempt homemade icecream very soon! Cheers!

  31. What a lovely recipe! 😋 What would you recommend using instead of coconut milk, if it being non-vegan isn’t a concern? Just 400ml whole milk? Or is the result simply better with coconut milk anyway?

  32. Hi Kim. I have created this recipe using coconut milk and it works perfectly with this. I wouldn’t make it with any other kind of milk and have not tested it. The coconut milk adds flavour. I am an omnivore but this ice cream is so delicious. The recipe is correct as I have written it using 1 x 400ml tin of coconut milk.

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