raspberry soufflé

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Raspberry souffle recipe

If you had any nervousness about making a soufflé you needn’t have with this really straightforward and delicious recipe. Soufflés are show stoppers, and you will impress whoever you make these for. Capturing everything that is summer in one dessert, they are slightly tart and light, kind of like eating a raspberry cloud if such a thing existed. Using frozen raspberries means you can eat these all year round too.

raspberry soufflé

The measurements are quite precise – you must weigh your egg whites, but I prefer that when making things that you want to work out exactly. You do however need two pieces of equipment to make these properly. An immersion (stick) blender and an electric whisk. Even better, a stand mixer. These are definitely two of the kitchen appliances that I could not live without and use all the time. A stand mixer is essential to me because I do a lot of baking. I want to be able to leave my mixer running while I prep other things. 


Soufflés are kind of like baked meringue and this is what you need to do to make perfectly fluffy raspberry ones.

Recipe – makes 4 – 6 largeish soufflés

Raspberry soufflé

A raspberry soufflé recipe 
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raspberry soufflé


  • 20 g melted or softened butter
  • 30 g castor sugar
  • 300 g raspberries fresh or frozen - I used frozen
  • 2 t lemon juice
  • 55 g castor sugar
  • 10 g cornflour
  • 15 ml water
  • 90 g egg whites aprox 4 eggs
  • 75 g castor sugar


  • You can make the raspberry coulis in advance and store in the fridge.
  • When you are ready to bake, preheat the oven to 180 C / 350F.
  • Brush your ramekins with the melted/softened butter in upward strokes to lightly cover the surface. Dust with the 30g of castor sugar, tapping out any excess.
  • Put the raspberries in a small pot over medium heat and cook for 5 minutes if fresh and 7 minutes if frozen and then blend the berries until smooth using a stick blender.
  • Strain the raspberries through a fine sieve, working the pulp through and leaving the seeds behind. Put the puree berries back into the pot and return it to the heat. Add the 55g castor sugar and the lemon juice and bring this to the boil.
  • Whisk the cornflour and the water together until its smooth and whisk this into the hot puree. continue to whisk for a minute and then remove from the heat. * I found a few lumps developed so I used my stick blender again to smooth these out.
  • Allow the puree to cool in the fridge.
  • Beat the egg whites until soft peaks. Add the remaining castor sugar slowly while the mixer is running and continue to whisk until the meringue is smooth and glossy.
  • Fold the cooled raspberry through the meringue and fill the ramekins to the top. Smooth out the surface or leave a few peaks which can be very pretty. Bake for 10 - 13 minutes and serve immediately.
  • * I managed to make 3 small and 4 larger souffle with this recipe.
Author: Sam Linsell


raspberry soufflé

 * Disclaimer * This post has been sponsored by Breville South Africa. I am working on a few projects with their marketing team, including developing recipes using these amazing appliances. Breville appliances are exclusively available at @Home nationwide.

I look forward to connecting with you again in the future.


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  1. Delicious and a showstopper

  2. Sam, these are absolutely stunning!
    I’ve been eyeing the stick blender, let’s hope Christmas comes early this year. 😉

  3. Sune, it really is the best ever, and it has a chopper attachment which I now use to make all my marinades and chop nuts and dried fruit.

  4. Thanks for pointing me in the direction of this recipe Larry

  5. Very nice photos! I really enjoy your blog posts!

  6. Sjoe Sam – what stunning pictures! I remain a bit phobic about soufflés – they just seem a little capricious… Very inspired to make these though!

  7. These look beautiful and dare I say the recipe looks easy to make? Just lovely. And I know I always mention this…but your photos are stunning. xx

  8. Hi Rebecca, the recipe is so super easy, you will be making souffles on a tuesday night just because.

  9. Hi Jeanne, yes, Ive also been a bit on the nervy side re soufflés, but seriously one does not have to be. I adore savoury ones more, so am going to delve into that arena soon too. ONe must serve right away. they all defalte at some point.

  10. Thank you so much Tracy – I am glad to hear 🙂

  11. This souffle is definitely a showstopper. . .light and fluffy. A pure piece of heaven. I still can’t get over the fact that you got the recipe in a Woolworth’s flyer.

  12. Hi Lynn, its too lovely. Im so glad my friend tested it out first and alerted to this amazing recipe.

  13. I’ve just made a batch of these delicious fluffies!!! So good and so easy to make!

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