apple, beetroot and ginger juice

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apple, beetroot and ginger juice

This apple, beetroot and ginger juice one of the most tasty drinks I’ve made in a while. Not only does it look spectacular but it’s delightfully refreshing too.

apple, beetroot and ginger juice

I only added 2 beetroot because I didn’t want the earthy flavour to overwhelm the drink, but the colour is a vibrant deep pink making it so deliciously fabulous to look at.

apple, beet and ginger juice

Raw juiced ginger is very potent so you don’t want to add a lot, it can deliver a mean burn. The flavour comes through in just the right quantity to balance out the sweetness of the apple.

apple, beetroot and ginger juice

If you have ever tried juicing a beetroot in a sub-par juicer you will know its no easy task. There will be a lot of pushing and grinding and very little juice will squeeze out. This is why I simply adore my Breville Juice and Blend. Its one of the most powerful juice machines on the market – of industrial strength, and I’m convinced it could extract water from a stone. I frequently juice all the leftover bits in my fridge, such as carrots and celery, and it processes them to a liquid form with ease.

apple, beet and ginger juice

I made this juice as a welcome drink at the recent Breville Elle Deco readers event and people raved and asked for the recipe. I also did a cooking demonstration on the night using my fabulous Breville appliances, and the evening was so much fun.

apple, beet and ginger juice

~cooks notes. I used Golden Delicious apples which are much sweeter, but if you would like to tone down the sweetness and up the tartness, go with Granny Smith (or use a combination of the two).

Recipe – makes about a litre

  • 6 apples
  • 2 large beetroot (aprox 400g)
  • small piece ginger, about 3-4cm long
  • Breville Juice and Blend

To make a juice in the Breville Juice and blend you dont need to peel anything, but its best to just top and tail any ends or remove unnecessary leaves. Whack it all through the beast-of-a-machine and out pours your juice into a neatly contained jug.

This particular juice blend (as with most) develops a foamy layer which you just need to stir before serving. The froth actually has a lovely texture, a bit like a cappuccino only juicy.

I served it with ice to make it ultra refreshing.

apple, beetroot and ginger juice

* Disclaimer * This post has been sponsored by Breville South Africa. Breville appliances are exclusively available at @Home nationwide.

For more of my favourite beetroot recipes:

beetroot falafel with spicy mayo on tasted pitas

roasted onion and beetroot tart tartin with balsamic caramel and thyme

carrot and beetroot cake with caramel cream cheese frosting

beetroot and barley risotto

apple, beetroot and ginger juice



  1. Sounds delicious and looks fantastic as well! Can’t wait to try it! Thanks for sharing the receipe!

  2. I love this juice and your photos Sam!

    Regards from Barcelona 🙂

  3. Thanks Letizia 🙂 – greetings from Cape Town

  4. That looks awesome Gemma 🙂 – carrots are also nice to add to the mix and I imagine hte lemon give it some good acidity

  5. Its a pleasure Wendy. Ive been drinking this over hte last 2 days and feeling like healthier already 🙂

  6. Wow, this juice is just gorgeous!!!

  7. Nicky Taylor says:

    How long does the juice keep for? Just pulled many beets from my garden, relish is under way, juice next

  8. Hi Nicky – I m not too sure as I always drink it within a few days. It will last as long as any fresh fruit juice without preservatives. a good 3 – 5 days id say

  9. I love the color and I can’t help but notice, you really have an amazing photography skills. Nice job!

  10. Thanks so much Ginger shots 🙂

  11. These colors!! Ginger is such a unique add to the recipe and creates a spicy tang. Thanks for sharing!

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