gluten free seeded crackers

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Delicious gluten free seeded crackers recipe

So just before you go thinking I’ve jumped onto any gluten-free bandwagon, I have not. I just love these seeded crackers which I have been eating a lot these days. The bottom line is I’m a food lover and if the food tastes amazing and is super nutritious, I will get excited about it whether it’s gluten-free or otherwise.

I have also been hanging out with a few vegans lately and feel inspired by their lifestyle of zero cruelty to animals. There is a strong vegetarian force within me, so I’m definitely going to be doing more exciting non-animal-product recipes going forward.

Delicious gluten free seeded crackers

Flaxseeds (or linseeds) form the main component of these crackers because they are just so flipping good for you. They contain loads of Omega-3 essential fatty acids, lignans, and fiber. I read that in terms of the world’s healthiest foods, they come out at number one.

I’ve also read that they need to be ground up in order to release their good bits, otherwise these seeds with hardish outer husks will just pass through your body. I’m hoping that after they are baked to crispy deliciousness in these crackers, they will break open as you chew. Otherwise, I plan to make this recipe again and give them a quick burst in the food processor to crack open their skins.

Delicious gluten free seeded crackers

Next up are sunflower, sesame, and pumpkin seeds to give you all the nutty flavour and healthy fats. This trio of seeds also contains protein and Tryptophan which triggers our bodies to create serotonin, a hormone that promotes healthy sleep. As a recovering insomniac, I’m totally in with this.

ground cumin for delicious gluten free seeded crackers

These are also so easy to make and all the ingredients are readily available at any mainstream supermarket and health food store. I’ve used psyllium husk here as this is the binding agent, but next time I’m going to sub that with two tablespoons of chia seeds which will do the same thing.

Delicious gluten free seeded crackers

Cooks notes ~ This recipe makes a big batch of delicious tasting, gluten-free, vegan crackers that are low carb and highly nutritious. One thing I have noticed since I’ve included these in my diet, they fill you up super quickly and hunger is kept at bay for much longer. I highly recommend eating these with really good humus – preferably homemade.

Delicious gluten free seeded crackers

I have added some of the freshest and most amazing Za’atar which I brought back from Israel, and a dash of ground cumin to give it depth.

Delicious gluten free seeded crackers

Recipe – makes a lot

gluten free seeded crackers

A super healthy homemade gluten-free and vegan seed cracker recipe
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Delicious gluten free seeded crackers recipe


  • 150 gm flaxseeds linseeds
  • 100 gm sunflower seeds
  • 100 g sesame seeds I used 90gms white and 10gm black
  • 50 gm pumpkin seeds
  • 2 Tbsp psyllium husks
  • 500 ml / 2 cups water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 Tbsp Za'atar


  • Preheat the oven to 160C (I used a fan forced so you can load 2 trays in).
  • Add all the ingredients to a bowl and give it a good stir. Let it stand for about 15 - 20 minutes and until its starts gelling together. It will be fairly liquid in texture but everything sticks together in a weird way.
  • Line two large baking trays with silicone sheets or non-stick baking paper and then divide the mixture between the two. Spread it out as evenly as possible ensuring that there are no holes anywhere. You really just want to get this as thin as it can go within reason.
  • Bake for 70 - 80 minutes giving the trays a turn or two if your oven has hotspots.
Author: Sam Linsell


Serve these with any dips or pates such as:

The famous hummus recipe by Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi

Hummus with roasted cauliflower, sultanas, and cashews

The best roast beetroot hummus (can be converted to roasted butternut)

Chargrilled zucchini hummus

Pizza hummus

Oh and if you are vegan I have separated out my vegan recipes under a separate heading right at the bottom of my recipe index page

Delicious gluten free seeded crackers


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  1. Love the Za’atar addition. Can’t wait to make them!

  2. Thank you Sam! This looks super good and is a huge bonus for me – If anyone realises just how serious gluten intolerance in all it’s forms is. it is not really jumping on a bandwagon to go gluten free – it is a life saver!

  3. This looks so good I love these seed crackers, there is a brand here that is called Dr Karg and they make a really great pumpkin seed and emmental cracker. Do you think a tiny bit of emmental or parmesan would work in these? Or would it cause them to really spread?

    I’m definitely going to have to make these can I substitute the psyllium husks for chia like you mentioned? I love the photos on these.

  4. I love this Sam, this is right up my alley !!! 🙂 . I must just locate some za’atar, and I am all there 🙂

  5. HI Angela. I haven’t tested the chia seeds but Im assuming they will work. They create similar glutinous binding texture. Im not sure abou the cheese either, but it could be an idea to add them towards the end and about 10 minutes before you need to take them out the oven. So add it and then finish it off in the oven. You will have to play around.

  6. HI Carolie, I think if a person is genuinly gluten intolerant and been medically tested then absolutely and I know a few people who have a very bad physical reacion when they eat gluten. There are however a LOT of people that have adopted it as a lifestyle after a lifetime of eating wheat and I think its just a fashionable thing to do. Its a food fad.

  7. The Za’atar I got in Israel is so delicious and fresh.

  8. This looks delicious! I bet my other half would love it! Thanks for the inspiration! And btw – I love your photos!

  9. Elaine Dodge says:

    Do you have to cook the crackers or will they harden in the sun?

  10. Hi yes you need to follow the recipe, I did not dry them in the sun.

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