Lemony chicken piccata with capers

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Lemony chicken piccata

The boneless, skinless chicken breast can be one of the dullest staples in the weeknight cooking rotation, and it’s why it needs an ultra-flavoursome sauce to carry it through. This piquant, lemony sauce is just the thing, and there is so much lip-puckering zing going on, you don’t need too much of it either. Say hello to this lemony chicken piccata with capers recipe.

Lemon chicken piccata

Chicken Piccata is a classic recipe and I’ve seen versions without capers and cream, but I adore the former so I would never consider leaving these out.

You can play around with quantities here. I’ve added 2 full tablespoons of them but more or less will work depending on your preference. I added the cream to make the sauce well-creamy, and I think it was needed to break through the acidity. I also chose creme fraiche but I think a thick regular cream might be better.

Delicious lemony chicken piccata is a quick and easy week night supper

I normally bash a chicken breast into oblivion in order to flatten and even it out. This way it cooks a whole lot quicker without parts being raw and other parts becoming leathery bits. With this recipe, I cut each breast in half through the middle and it was a great solution to getting smaller more even portions. I may start using this on all my quick breast recipes going forward, although there is something quite satisfying about pummeling raw flesh with a flat utensil.

The sauce may seem a little OTT when you taste it on its own, but trust me, when you eat it on your boring chicken breast, you will be wishing there was more.


Delicious lemony chicken piccata is a quick and easy week night supper

How to make lemony chicken piccata:

I decided to wipe the pan down after the frying stage because I used a nonstick pan and there were no exciting sticky bits to deglaze. I didn’t want the almost burnt oily part in my sauce. You can skip this if you like the pan bits. The timing is an intuitive thing. You want to cook the sauce enough until it thickens but not too much that it evapourates. There is a fine balance here. Once you’ve added the butter and cream things really start emulsifying and becoming unctuous.

Slice the chicken breasts through the middle horozontally to allow for quicker cooking.

Recipe – serves 2

Lemony chicken piccata

A delicious and bright easy weeknight supper recipe for chicken breasts cooked in stock with capers, lemon, cream and parsely.
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Lemony chicken piccata
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:5 minutes


  • 2 skinless bonless free-range chicken breasts
  • 1/4 – 1/3 cup flour – well seasoned with salt and pepper for dredging
  • 2 + 1 Tbsp butter
  • 1 T olive oil
  • 1/2 cup chicken stock
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine
  • 2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 2 Tbsp capers drained of brine
  • 4 – 6 Tblsp thick cream or creme fraiche
  • small bunch flat leaf parsley finley chopped


  • Slice the chicken breasts in half horizontally to make smaller and thinner cuts. Coat the chicken breasts thoroughly in the well seasoned flour flour and then dust off any excess.
  • Heat 2 of the tablespoons of butter plus the oil in a non stick frying pan.
  • As it starts to bubble, fry the breasts on both sides turning once until they are golden. Remove them from the pan and set aside.
  • Wipe the pan down with kitchen paper and place it back on the heat.
  • Add the remaining tablespoon of butter, stock, white wine and lemon juice and allow this to bubble away until it reduced by about a third. Add the capers, half the chopped parsley and cream and stir until its well combined. Just as it starts to thicken, add the chicken breasts (plus any juice from the plate they were resting on) back into the pan and allow these to cook for a minute or two. Turn them over in the pan to ensure they are cooked through.
  • Plate up the chicken and pour over the sauce. Sprinkle with the remaining parsley as garnish


Any leftovers can be stored ina sealed container in the fridge. The cream sauce may split if reheated so this dish is best eaten on the day it is made.


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  1. How would a smidge of coconut milk make it taste ? Lol and dont say coconutty ?
    Just thought it might help calm the acidity
    Im gona give it a bash sounds tasty

  2. HI Brian, well if anything I would add more cream to calm the acidity vs cream and coconut milk. One or therother id say.

  3. I made this yesterday – it’s wonderful. The combination/quantities suggested work very well. It’s so quick and easy. We had it with Jersey new potatoes and new season asparagus (UK!). My partner said it tasted like “restaurant food”. i’m taking that as a compliment. Thank you for the recipe.

  4. Ah Joy thanks for the lovely comment and Im so glad you liked it. It is potentially a bit lemony (which I like). The new potatoes and asparagus sound so divine. I can taste them in my mind. Enjoy spring / summer.

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