Jamie Oliver black fig, parma ham and mozzarella salad

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Jamie refers to this as “the easiest sexiest salad in the world”.  Quite a sweeping statement, but it certainly is very delicious.

Wrap parma ham or prosciutto slices around black figs that have been sliced criss-cross, but not all the way through and then squished out. Make up the salad with slices of buffalo mozzarella, and torn basil leaves and drizzle over Jamie’s honey and lemon juice dressing.

Honey and lemon juice dressing:

  • 6tbs extra virgin olive oil
  • 3tbs lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp honey (runny works well)
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper


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  1. Love this salad – super sexy and super tasty. Maybe some rocket would work well too?

  2. yes, rocket would be lovely and I think toasted pine nuts for some crunch

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