fig and blue cheese tartlets

black fig and blue cheese tartlet

I made up these little tarts with some leftover pastry I had lying around.  I had a few ripe black figs that have been begging to be combined with blue cheese and pastry. Make up a batch of short crust pastry (a savoury version is better) or just line some tart cases with ready rolled puff pastry.

recipe: for 6 – excluding pastry (extrapolate up or down as necessary)

  • 4 eggs
  • 250 ml cream
  • a block of blue cheese of choice – I like gorgonzola or Simonzola

How to make:

  • preheat your oven to 180 degrees c
  • line your tart tins with pastry (as per above) and bake for about 10 minutes (I don’t find it necessary to bake small pastry tarts ‘blind’ first)
  • beat the eggs and cream
  • when they have just turned golden remove from the oven
  • crumble some blue cheese into the bottom
  • put half a fig in the tart
  • cover 3/4 to the top with the egg and cream mixture
  • add the other half a fig and another crumble of blue cheese
  • place the tarts on a baking tray and bake for 20 minutes, until firm and set and golden brown

This recipe and quantity would work for a single 23cm tart.


  1. youngwifey says:

    Beautiful! I’ve been thinking about trying a similar recipe, might have to give yours a whirl!

  2. thanx Sam, that was a gr8 idea for my overripe figs and almost gone off Simonzola!

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