strawberry, white chocolate and macadamia nut cookies

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I have been on a bit of a cookie making mission lately and decided to revisit a previous winning recipe of white choc, cranberry and pecan nut cookies, but this time I used dried strawberries instead of cranberries, and macadamia nuts instead of pecans.

I had bought the dried strawberries in Stellenbosch on a strawberry farm, but saw them the other day at Komati foods in Obs. If you havent tried a dried strawberry yet, put it on your list.  They have a very intense and concentrated strawberry flavour with a pleasing soft and chewy texture, and I had been wanting to incorporate them into a recipe for a while.

They turned out beautifully.

This is what you need to make these:

  • 300gm white chocolate (cut up into chunks – big and small)
  • 100gm butter
  • 1 egg
  • 50gm muscovado sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 180gm (or 1 1/4 cup) flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 85gm caster sugar
  • 50-70gm dried strawberries
  • 50 -70gm macadamia nuts chopped 

how to make:

  • oven on at 180 degrees c
  • melt 85gms of the choc in a double boiler, then cool a little
  • beat butter, egg, sugars and vanilla with an electric beater until creamy
  • beat in the melted choc
  • stir in the flour, baking powder, strawberries, nuts and remaining chocolate to make a stiff dough
  • using a tablespoon measure , drop small mounds well spaced on a lined baking sheet (silicone baking sheets work really well)
  • you could also reserve some of the nuts, berries and chocolate pieces and place these into the cookies after they are on the tray so they poke out (extra pretty)
  • bake for 12 minutes
  • allow to cool for 1 -2 minutes then put on a cooling rack (this is quite important as they carry over cooking quite a bit after baking and can go a bit too brown if left on the baking pan)
  • You could double up and freeze the already formed cookie discs for later use

Adding the melted chocolate to the dough makes these ultra decadent and are best enjoyed slightly warm immediately after baking.

chunky and sweet, so very decadent
white chocolate, strawberry and macadamia nut cookies
cookies cooling


  1. We used the same flavors ni biscotti on Saturday!!!! Love these chunky cookies!!

  2. drizzleanddip says:

    Biscotti – how nice! once again great foodie minds think alike 🙂

  3. Ursula Tearnan says:

    Made these biscuits on Saturday. Brought some to work and the verdict? Delicious!

  4. Thanks Ursula, so glad you enjoyed these and I am sure the colleagues will be happy today.

  5. how many does it make???

  6. Hello Sam… I baked these lovely biscuits last night, with a few changes (I could not find strawberries but used cranberries) loved the idea of melting the chocolate in the dough! They are divine!

  7. Awesome Nadia, the original recipe is with cranberries. Glad they worked out. So easy to just gobble the whole lot up.
    S x

  8. I am going to give these a try. Sounds awesome thanks

  9. Pam – you will love

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