a quick and easy boerewors pasta with tomato and basil

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This is a very quick and easy pasta supper to knock up if you are in a hurry. The sausage has so much flavour, you don’t need much else.

I love tomato with boerewors. In fact I cant really eat it without some sort of tomato intervention. I love relish or ketchup with it, but my all-time favourite is  fresh tomato. You could use tinned tomatoes in this sauce (just cook it for a bit longer), but I love the quick-cook of cherry tomatoes. Literally flash fried in the pan with the sausage and a splash of tomato passata to make a nice slurpy sauce for the  linguine. The basil adds some nice fragrant freshness.

The boerewors has all the flavour so you need very little seasoning apart from a pinch of chilli (optional), salt and pepper.

This recipe makes 2 very generous portions

  • 400gms of your favourite boerewors
  • 2 cups of halved cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup of tomato passata / jarred tomato sauce
  • a fistful of fresh basil leaves – roughly chopped
  • a pinch – 1/2 t of smoked chilli flakes / chilli flakes if you felt like adding some heat
  • Parmesan to serve
  • pasta of your choice (I used about 200 – 250g of linguini)

Slice the sausage up into smallish discs and fry in a non stick pan until the meat starts going brown and is just cooked through. Remove the meat and drain on paper towel as a lot of fat is rendered out. Discard the fat and return the pan to the heat which is now just coated in a thin layer of the leftover fat, and flash cook the tomatoes until heated through. Add the sausage back to the pan with the basil, chilli and passata and heat through. Check seasoning and add salt and pepper.

The whole process takes a matter of minutes, so make sure you start cooking your pasta before.

Serve with pasta and a grating of fresh Parmesan cheese.

Slurp, slurp.

* if you are reading this post and don’t live in South Africa, boerewors is a traditional South African spicy sausage made from beef that would typically be cooked on a barbecue. The main spice in this sausage is coriander. You could substitute with another spicy sausage, or a mix of a beef and pork sausage.


  1. And yet another to my must-make-list! Yum.

  2. I am in awe of every single one of your posts.

  3. Aah Caylee, you are far too kind. Thank you hun!

  4. Thanks Salome! Enjoy!

  5. Looks so interesting Anina!

  6. Wow would never have thought of a boerewors/pasta combo, but this recipe is as delightful as your photographs, thanks Sam.

  7. Thanks Lisa, I like that the sausage has already got all the flavour in it, so makes for a very quick supper. I think it will work nicely with pork and beef sausages too.

  8. What a great time-saving dish. Hearty enough to look and taste like you’ve been slaving for hours but a really easy meal after a long hard day at the office xx

  9. HI Tami, yes I guess it is a bit of a cheat as all the ‘work’ is in the sausage. 🙂

  10. Anne McEvedy says:

    Wow, thank heavens we get boerewors here (Aus) definitely making it this week end. What great recipes Bill

  11. Awesome Anne, it truly is a South African gem

  12. I do not live in South Africa, but came across this sausage in a local meat shop. I’m about to give this a try. Thanks!

  13. Hi Kyle – cool. Let me know if you like it. Sam

  14. I live in Australia. My brother-in-law who was raised in Zimbabwe gave my husband & I this sausage from his freezer when he was packing to move house. I had no idea what to do with it till now. Had your wonderful recipe for dinner tonight. Delicious! Thank you. ?

  15. Hi Jo, glad you could find a a recipe and enjoy it. Normally it is BBQ’d over a fire to render off some of the fat.

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