whats in season – autumn & spring

By now we all know that its important to let the seasons dictate what we eat, and since we are either in the middle of Autumn or Spring in most parts of the world, I thought I’d do a post about what we should could be eating right now.

The list of fruit and vegetables I have included are to the best of my knowledge whats in season. I base this on some online research and looking back through dozens of magazines. There are also quite a few that are available all year round, and many that overlap into other seasons.

Often we think a vegetable is in season because we see it on the shelf all the time, but this is not necessarily the case. By shopping at markets you will invariably land up buying whats being grown at a  particular time of year. Minus the extensive travel time. For me,  the produce generally tastes better, and all round we are making the world a better place.

Easter always marks the end of Summer for us in South Africa, and right on cue we have a cold and rainy weather system here in Cape Town. Autumn is my favourite time of year. I love how the light changes to a softer hue which is brilliant for photography. I love how the vineyards and trees change colour, and I love the first few times you get to cozy up on the couch with a blanket and hot drinks. I start sipping red wine, hang out in front of fireplaces and start dreaming of a few hearty comforting recipes to make.

autumn food collage


Fruit: apple, pear, fig, quince, lemon, limes, grapes, nectarines, gooseberries, cranberries, chestnuts, persimmons, granadilla (passion fruit), blueberries.

vegetables: aubergine, carrot, sweetcorn, zucchini, potato, lettuce, bean, turnip, butternut, onions, radishes, cauliflower, celery

Here are some ideas for what to cook if you are in the Southern hemisphere and heading towards Winter.

Blueberry and orange trifles with Mascarpone cheese

Quince, apple and pear crumble with whiskey and cinnamon

Cream of roasted chestnut soup with fennel

Spicy cauliflower ‘cous-cous’

Roasted cauliflower with curry, cumin and dukkah

Aubergine pizza

Easy passion fruit curd

spring season food collage

I spend a great deal of time reading blogs from all over the world, so am looking with some degree of envy upon our Northern Hemisphere friends who are seeing blossoms on their trees and ushering in the first stone fruits.


Fruit: apricots, strawberries, cherries, pineapple, mango, grapefruit, kiwis, rhubarb

Vegetables: asparagus, artichoke, leeks, peas & pea greens, spring ionions, garlic scapes, new potatoes, ramps, avocado’s, broad beans (fava beans), morels, kale

Here are a few ideas for you if you are heading towards Summer.

Apricots poached in chamomile tea with vanilla

A cocktail with strawberries and coconut water

Minty asparagus and zucchini frittata 

Crispy kale chips with Parmesan

A delicious broad (fava) bean dip

Green pea hummus with mint 

Artichokes stuffed with a parsley pesto crumb


  1. Oh how positively lovely. Love the tones in all of these.

  2. Beautiful pics, again and I lovely post! I love the quince, apple and pear crumble!

  3. Beautiful, seasonally moody photos! Ah, if only seasons were as predictable. Your photos are reminiscent of seasons as we’d like them in our mind’s eye. I have just had a crazy mixed season week having flown from the Mediterranean island of Malta to a deep freeze UK to visit folks for Easter. Malta, I left with spring sprung and the UK is a good 6 weeks behind its ‘normal’ spring – no growth, few buds, no flowers or hint of green. So sad for this time of year. I have noted a good few of your recipe suggestions to try out when home in the Med again. So no need Sam to rue the fact Europe is edging towards spring – we’re a long way off in part of it!

  4. Lovely post. I am sorry about the change of weather over your way. That is usually the case here too but we still have unseasonably warm weather for post Easter. But it could change at any time now.

  5. Since I am making more and more of an effort to eat locally and seasonally each year, this has actually been a good ‘check/check’ post 🙂 ! Living in the Southern Highlands of NSW in Australia [some 100 km S of Sydney] I cannot pretend to experience the kind of winters many friends in the US etc have been thru’! A morning temp of -2 C IS cold for us and the daytimes never much reach below 16-17 C. One may reach for gloves and a hattie 🙂 ! And not garden till midday: boo!hoo!

  6. Hi Liz, sorry to hear your Summer is delayed, but at least you have the Med on your doorstep for future visits. Winter seems to have arrived (a bit early) here in Cape Town and I have my slippers on for the first time as I sit at my desk ant type.

  7. Thanks Zirkie, I have to say the pear, apple and quince crumble was my best crumble recipe to date and I think up there amongst my favourite of last year. I personally cannot wait to get my hands on quince, as I have a few ideas up my sleeve with them. Although poached, they become quite perfect.
    Sam x

  8. Hi Suzanne, Lucky you with delayed Winter. We seem to be moving very rapidly towards it, although I’m still hoping for a few warm days in April for even perhaps the last swim of the season. The weather seems to be getting more and more unpredictable these days.

  9. Hi Eha, I think we are in the same boat with regard very mild Winters. In Cape Town it rarely goes to 0 c – and normally lows around 5 – 8 C – and highs up to the mid 20ies. But we get a lot of rain (storms and wind).

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