Easy no-churn lemon ice cream

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very cream and easy lemon ice cream

very creamy and easy lemon ice cream

very creamy and easy lemon ice cream

very creamy and easy lemon ice cream

Sam Woulidge is a well-known food writer in South Africa and her delightful monthly column in Taste Magazine evolved, over time, into Confessions of a Hungry Women, a most special cookbook that is also a memoir, and I’m so very pleased that it did.

This book is so much more than a cookbook. It’s rich with stories from Sams life and travels and I am hungry to read every word. Filled with nostalgia and humour, Sam writes beautifully and emotionally and I frequently find tears welling up in my eyes and swallowing a lump while reading her work. Sam admits to her limitations as a cook – although I think she is way more accomplished than she claims to be – so invited 14 of her favourite foodie friends to share their fail-proof recipes with her. They were each tasked to produce an easy menu for 6 people.

Confessions of a Hungry Women

Sam writes: ‘I have learnt that when all else fails, read the damn recipe! But more importantly, I have learnt to love cooking. Somewhere along the way, I began to understand that it really is better to give than to receive. That cooking for friends and family is an act of love. And we could all do with more acts of love’.


The collection of recipes – many from well-known South African personalities and people I know are inspiring, and interesting and make me want to jump into my kitchen and get busy. The recipes are suited to anyone who loves food whether a novice or experienced cook. Getting a sneak peek into the kitchens of a few interesting people and seeing their creative expression around cooking added a layer of richness to this book for me.

There are also a lot of photographs. Of Sam, her life, her travels and her friends as well as very naturally shot images of the food. You sort of feel like you could have been right there at the table enjoying the meal.

There are so many recipes I’m dying to try including, but not limited to, Lise Manley’s legendary chicken limone, Alida Ryder’s fudge blondies, and Mariana Esterhuizens slow braised shoulder of lamb, but my heart did a double skip when I clapped eyes on Cara Brinks Lemon ice cream. I loved its simplicity, and as a passionate ice cream maker, it was a style of ice cream I hadn’t made before. It can also be made without a machine (although I do have one and used it for this).

Sam very kindly allowed me to share it here.

a creamy, dreamy and easy lemon ice cream plus a fabulous cook book giveaway

Print Recipe


  • 1 cup 250ml cream
  • 1 cup 250ml milk
  • 3/4 cup 180ml sugar
  • juice and zest of 2 lemons


  • Make this the day before. In a freezer safe bowl mix the milk, sugar and cream until it has dissolved. Place in the freezer for 10 minutes until the mixture has cooled off. Stir in the lemon juice and zest and place in the freezer for another 30 minutes.
  • Remove and stir again, scraping the sides of the bowl. Return to the freezer and repeat the mixing and scraping every 30 minutes until the ice cream has formed, about 3 hours in total.


I mixed all the ingredients together, dissolved the sugar and then stored it covered in the fridge over night, allowing the lemon to infuse. I emptied it into my ice cream machine the following day and churned until done.

This ice cream is absolutely perfect. Its has the right kind tart citrus flavour to sugar, while still being decadently creamy and dreamy.

very creamy and easy lemon ice cream


very creamy and easy lemon ice cream




  1. Beautiful styling x

  2. Reading her writings makes you laugh and cry. This book reminds me of sitting with your best friend sharing recipes and family cooking secrets over a delicious cup of coffee (or glass of wine!), no pretense, just honest, fun and a have-to-have. Love her, love the book!

  3. Ah I would LOVE a copy of this book! I absolutely adore cook books that are written to have a story to each recipe, and I read these like novels! What a great addition to my collection it would be!

  4. Thanks Lori 🙂

  5. I love entertaining and cooking for friends and family, though also don’t think I’m a “fabulous” cook, but it comes from the heart. I really do follow recipes and am not one that cooks off the top of her head (well, sometimes) I have quite a collection of cookbooks but really enjoy cooking from our “local” cookbooks because you know you can source the ingredients. Your book would be an added inspiration for me to try new things!!

  6. oh I love the quote ‘I have learnt that when all else fails, read the damn recipe!’ and would love this book x

  7. I would love to win this book. I myself am a hungry woman but would like some more ideas for confessions. ^_^

  8. oh gosh, this book looks divine – and I would love a copy because I relate… I am a hungry pregnant woman… With sweet nd sour cravings!! This ice-cream looks amazing. Ice-cream is one of my cravings too, although I have ALWAYS loved ice-cream!! ;)a

  9. Every month I buy the taste magazine. The first page I turn to is always Sam Woulidge’s column. I love it so much that I sometimes read it more than once. She hits the nail on the head every time. Would love love love to have her book on my bedside table.

  10. Ahhhh… the delight of opening a new cook book… you can almost smell all the flavours as you flip through the pages. Inspiration comes from places one often least expects, a new friend, a new receipe for butternut soup, an introduction to sorbet instead of ice -cream, and then there is the magical moment of getting a new cook book……. sheer wonderment….. I would absolutely love this book.

  11. I love cookbooks and having more South African books would be even better. What better is there than to curl up with a good (cook)book? And with an ice cream recipe like this one, the rest can only be amazing 🙂

  12. I would love to have a copy of Sam’s book because its a personal account of her life combined with her creativity, it can only be a good recipe book!

  13. Nina Du Plessis says:

    I always read Sam’s column in the Taste magazine and I have cut out many of her recipes for my own “cook book” at home. I love exotic flavors and recipes just s much as I love nostalgic comfort recipes and Sam always seems to effortlessly combine the two. This book will make a great addition to my collection and I would not stop cooking until I have tried and tested every single recipe ! I could really do with some foodie inspiration xxx

  14. Cookbooks to me are like lovestories to other people- I devour them, savour them, cook in my head and cook for my family. Who needs lovestories?

  15. I would love to own this cookbook because of the cover. They say never judge a book by its cover but I do! It looks like the artist Karin Miller’s work and seeing as though I can’t afford an original Karin Miller I would have an original on a cook book which is a double whammy as I love cooking too. Can’t wait to try this ice cream recipe. Putting an ice cream machine on my Christmas wish list. As an aside have you seen the ice cream recipe book titled The Icecreamists?

  16. Sounds absolutely delicious. The lemon flavour must taste so refreshing, would be interesting to try it with grapefruit.

  17. Sam, what kind of ice cream machine do you own. I have looked at many and always talk myself out of it.Want versus need. I want and need!!!

  18. I’ve followed Sam’s writing for a while now (slight food obsession! ) and my Mum, even though she’s Irish, could have been a Mediterranean chef with all the big flavours and colours she uses….she’s passed the bug on to me bad! She loves teaching me and I love learning – and if I could have the opportunity to win this book for her, it would be so special:) and I’d love to cook something from it for her first!!!! :):) xxx

  19. The title, cover picture and texture on the cover of the book look sensual and decadent at the same time – exactly what good food should be. The fact that some of the recipes are by acclaimed chefs, yet can be accomplished by novice cooks like myself, in their home kitchens makes the book even more enticing. It would look good on any coffee table where it can be admired, read and then attempted by many. I would love to own it.

  20. HI Susan, I have a semi industrial one that I bought about 8 years ago, brand Simac, imported from Italy (not sure if you can get these anymore). I am not familiar with ice cream makers on the market Im afraid. My philosophy with it, was go big or go home. 🙂

  21. This is the nicest cookbook I’ve viewed in a very long time!! Absolutely fabulous, and a must-have!!

  22. I love the idea of a collection of Recipes from interesting, inspiring and creative local South Africans who are passionate about creating delicious dishes.
    Although one of a kind tantalizing book, it seems not only user friendly but at the same time an “honest’ from the heart cookery book. I really would absolutely love to have a copy!

  23. I love everything about food and cooking and devour new recipe books. Sam’s recipes and beautiful pictures are truly inspiring. Her book would bring me many happy hours of reading and cooking delicious meals for my family.

  24. I have always loved and collected the cookbooks of well-known foreign authors such as Nigella Lawson, Jamie Oliver and others, but in the last year or two have been utterly thrilled to discover how many wonderful, inspiring and talented South African foodies there are. I’ve been even more thrilled to discover that many of them have written and published books filled with their passions and experiences and recipes for their own creations. So I have found that I am shoving over the foreign cookbooks on my kitchen shelf and these wonderful South African foodies now grace my shelves in pride of place, because, let’s face it: Local is Lekker! Keep it up, Sam! (and I refer to both of you!) 😉

  25. Jill Meaker says:

    Have laughed at her column for ages and the book is on all my book wishlists while I accrue the necessary miles/bucks to buy it. (your book is waiting on the same wishlists!)

  26. Stories of life, travel and gorgeous food all in one book..sounds amazing!

  27. Thilleshni Govender says:

    I would love a copy of this South african cook book. I love to cook and bake , so trying out these new recepies will be a challange. I do have a lovely selection of South African cook book and would
    Love to add this book as well.I’m not the best but this book will surely enhance my cooking skills

  28. Dearest Sam
    A million thanks for the lovely, generous review. I love your photographs, atmospherically moody which perfectly illustrates ice cream as a comfort food, even in winter. Love it! I’ll be trying the recipe in our ice cream maker as well. I think I’ll be thrilled with the creamy results.
    Lots of love

  29. I love the way Sam writes her passion for food shines through.Reading her blog always inspires one to jump into the kitchen.I love that Sam has recipes included from her friends 🙂 Food is about stories and family.Been lusting after this cook book for ages.To add this to my bookshelf would be amazing ! Thanks for a fab giveaway fingers crossed 🙂 Ice cream is defo on my to do list this summer. @verushka143

  30. I love cooking… to have my own kitchen is a dream I will have cone true. To have copybof your book would be awesome, not just telling a story of your life but but inspiring people like me to do what makes them the happiest. Cooking is definitely one way I show my friends and family love and so in a fun and enjoyable way. Im always wanting to try out something new, with this cook book I’ll definitely do with pleasure

  31. I would love a copy of the book and the ice cream looks divine.

  32. I confess… I’m a hungry woman… with a love for recipe books.

  33. Hi Sam, well, first and foremost … I think it is most appropriate to me at this present time because I AM A HUNGRY WOMAN. Having recently discovered that I am pregnant, hormones have been running wild. I have a small library of cake decorating and recipe books, and this book would be a welcome addition to my collection. I have everything from the cake decorating greats such as Peggy Porschen to the Hummingbird collection to food styling and food photography books. Last but not least, my collection also includes DRIZZLE AND DIP 🙂 So this book would be a welcome addition to my little collection. And if I still haven’t convinced you … it will really break my baby’s mommys heart if she doesn’t win 🙂

  34. Mayeshree says:

    WOW!! There are so many Sam Woulidge fans here and I am not surprised 🙂 The first thing I do when I get my copy of Taste is to flip to Sam’s column. I simply love her stories about childhood memories and delicious treats and it’s funny because when you read someones childhood experiences with food and family get togethers you realise that it’s not so different from your own so I would really really love a copy of her book….pleeeeeease !!!:)

  35. gosh, my mouth is watering so badly after reading this fabulous recipe! I would love to win the book and see the rest of the equally fabulous recipes!!!!

  36. i AM a hungry woman!!!

  37. Heide Goodman says:

    I am a great Sam fan and cant wait to get my hand on a copy of this book. The passion, the beauty …….

  38. this seems like such an interesting cookbook, and im always wanting to expand my cooking and baking skills.

  39. A storybook cookbook… you can eat & dream day & night!
    (Ps. Confession… – resepteboeke is soos storieboeke. Soms lees ek langer aan resepteboeke as wat ek in die kombuis is!! Sjtt!!)

  40. Ruth Scheepers says:

    I have enjoyed Sam’s column since she started writing for Taste – she is so amusing but also most interesting! I would love to own her book and read more of her entertaining writing!

  41. I love exploring new cook books, and this one looks great.

  42. This ice cream looks just what I need to ease a hurting heart… and her book is just delicious!

  43. Ah I’m sorry about a hurting heart, I hope this passes soon :-((

  44. Aw, I missed the deadline for the competition. But wanted to say anyway that how gorgeous does that old baking sheet look in the pic?? Can’t believe I threw mine away the other day because I thought it was yucky!

  45. Hi Colleen, no I haven’t seen this ice cream book, but it sounds fabulous. I have a few, but always on the look out for interesting ones.

  46. This is perfect, we have a lemon tree and I don’t know what to do with all the lemons. I’d love this cookbook because I love trying new recipes.

  47. I am sure this piece of writing has touched all the internet people, its really really good
    piece of writing on building up new blog.

  48. Where can I buy a Samantha Linsell Drizzle and Drip book

  49. Hi Lyn, are you in Australia?

  50. loved the ice cream. so easy to make and enough lemony and creamy to my liking. thank you for the recipe. it is perfect with a fruth crumble or over a chocolate mug cake.

  51. So glad you enjoyed in Bojana 🙂

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