Cheesecake brownies with chocolate romany creams

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Cheesecake brownie bars with chocolate Romany Creams

In this recipe; brownie batter, cheesecake and chocolate Romany Cream biscuits all jump into a baking tin together and turn into one of the most delectable desserts I may have ever made. It sounds a little complicated, but it’s so easy to make. The cheesecake offsets the sweetness providing a lovely contrast to the rich chocolate. Swirled on top of the brownie, these cheesecake brownie Romany Cream bars are my new favourite thing.

In case you are not from South Africa where Bakers Romany Creams have iconic status, they are 2 crunchy chocolate coconut biscuits sandwiched together with a layer of chocolate. I was thrilled to be asked by the brand to come up with a few recipes for their range of biscuits that will be printed on their packaging.

Easy cheesecake brownie bars with chocolate Romany Creams

It will take some time for all the new recipes I created and shot to roll out, but in the meantime here is the first one I made and it’s also my favourite.

Cheesecake brownie bars with chocolate Romany Creams

A few other biscuits and bar recipes you might like:

The best shortbread biscuit balls with chocolate middles

Chunky New York chocolate chip cookies with Easter eggs

Shortbread bars with whisky marmalade

Gooey oat, fruit & nuts bars with dark chocolate

The best ever vanilla whipped shortbread biscuits (cookies)

Double chocolate chip skillet cookie

White chocolate, cranberry and macadamia cookies

My best chocolate recipes

Cheesecake brownie bars with chocolate Romany Creams

Recipe – makes 16 bars

Cheesecake brownie bars with chocolate Romany Creams

Fudgy chocolate brownies with a swirl of cheesecake and baked with chocolate Romany Creams.
Print Recipe
Cheesecake brownie bars with chocolate Romany Creams
Prep Time:20 minutes
Cook Time:40 minutes


Brownie / biscuit mix

  • 110 gms butter
  • 130 gms dark chocolate
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 2 free-range eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ½ cup flour
  • 1 x 200 gm box Chocolate Romany Creams


  • 250 gms cream cheese
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  • Line a 20cm x 20cm square baking tin with baking paper.
  • Cut the Romany Creams into roughly 8 pieces and set aside.
  • Pre heat the oven to 180C.
  • Melt the butter and chocolate over a double boiler, stir until smooth and then set aside to cool.
  • Using an electric beater beat the sugar, eggs, salt and vanilla together until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add the cooled chocolate and butter mix and beat until smooth. Sift the flour into the mix and stir to combine. Add the biscuits and fold through by hand.
  • To make the cheesecake, use an electric mixer to beat all the ingredients together until smooth.
  • Empty ¾ of the brownie / biscuit mix into the lined baking tin. Top with the cheesecake mix and then drop spoonful’s of the remaining brownie mix across the surface. Use a skewer to swirl the chocolate batter and cheesecake batter.
  • Bake for 40 minutes until firm to the touch (tip: loosely cover the tray with a piece of tin foil to prevent over browning)
Servings: 9
Author: Sam Linsell


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  1. that’s a cool recipe Sam 🙂

  2. WHY was I not invited over when these were made!? AMAZING!

  3. This is insane Sam. I’ve just been travel-eating for two weeks in Spain and supposed to be detoxing…I’ll do so after I’ve re-created these brownies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Ha ha Tamsin, #sorrynotsorry – I saw the pics from your trip which looked so beyond amazing, so NO sympathy from me xx

  5. It was an epic fail on my behalf B but was during that manic work phase. Maybe I should make them for the Aug week end?

  6. Thanks Cat 🙂

  7. Please, please consider placing a useful PRINT button at the bottom of all of your recipes. It would be very, very helpful.
    Thank you

  8. Hi Pat there IS a PRINT button on the recipe – above it and next to the SAVE button.

  9. Christina says:

    Hi! I’m a reader in the U.S. and I was wondering if I could substitute Tim Tams for the Romany Creams? I’ve never seen those in our stores ( but they look delicious!).

  10. HI Christina – I think you could but they are quite sweet. Would be interesting to see. Choc chip cookies would also go well. You could also leave the cookies out completely. Enjoy!

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