Whole wheat English muffins with raisins

A plate and board on a table with whole wheat English muffins with raisins

This recipe for healthy whole-wheat English muffins with raisins is a little easier because they only need to rise once. The dough is fairly sticky and more like a batter than bread dough. They are soft in the middle with a slightly chewy crust, these English whole wheat muffins are better than anything store-bought.

I have added raisins to this recipe because as with a scone, they make them so much better. You can use raisins or sultanas or a combination of both. Feel free to leave them out if you prefer.

Toasted whole wheat English muffins with raisins and butter

Yoghurt and baking soda (bicarb) are secondary raising agents in addition to the yeast. If you prefer an all-yeast whole wheat English muffin you can check out my previous recipe which I adapted from Paul Hollywood.

One of my favourite features of an English muffin is the craggy texture they have once toasted. The perfect place to allow lashings of salted butter to seep in and make pools. I loved these served with my favourite jam.

Toasted whole wheat English muffins with raisinsand jam

Another favourite feature of wholewheat English muffins is how easily they freeze. Pre-slice them once cool and freeze them for ease when popping them into the toaster. 

This recipe for whole-wheat English muffins is a delicious and healthy treat with no refined sugar. They are sweetened with a tiny amount of honey and raisins. Being whole wheat, they are lower on the glycaemic Index (approx 70) and include more fiber.

You could make the dough and allow it to partially rise the day before and keep it in the fridge overnight. Just bring it to room temperature before making the muffins.

For more breakfast goodness, check out my best scone recipes.

Tpasted hole wheat English muffins with butter and jam

To make this English muffin vegan, replace the butter with plant butter or margarine and the yoghurt with coconut yoghurt provided it has live cultures.

If you are looking for a jam recipe to pair with these muffins check out the best 8-minute strawberry jam recipe.

Makes 6 large muffins or 8 smaller ones – adapted from The New York Times

Whole wheat English muffins with raisins

Easy whole-wheat English muffins with raisins make a delicious healthy breakfast treat.
Print Recipe
Toasted whole wheat English muffins with raisins and butter
Prep Time:2 hours
Cook Time:20 minutes


  • 1/3 cup + 3Tbs raisins or sultanas
  • 2 tsp/7 grams active dry or instant yeast
  • 1 cup/125 gms whole-wheat flour
  • 1 cup/125 gms cake flour
  • ½ tsp baking bicarbonate soda
  • ½ tsp fine salt
  • 4 Tbs/60 grams butter divided
  • ½ cup/120 ml plain yogurt or Greek-style yoghurt
  • ½ cup/120 ml milk
  • 2 tsp honey
  • A sprinkle of semolina flour or fine polenta


  • Pour boiling water over the raisin and allow them to plump up for about 5 minutes then drain and set aside.
  • In a small bowl add the yeast to 1/3 of a cup (80ml) of warm water and allow it to dissolve for 5 minutes.
  • In a medium-sized bowl add the flours, bicarb, and salt and whisk until combined.
  • Melt 2 tablespoons (half) of the butter in a jug and then add the yoghurt, milk, and honey and give it a mix. Heat it slightly in the microwave.
  • Add the raisins, milk, and yeast mixtures to the dry ingredients and using a spatula give it a good mix. The batter will be quite loose and sticky.
  • Cover and set aside in a warm spot for about 1 ½ - 2 ½ hours to rise. It should roughly double in size.
  • Preheat the oven to 180C/350F.
  • Heat a large, lidded skillet or electric frying pan with a lid to medium heat. Melt a tablespoon of butter in the pan.
  • Scoop out and drop mounds of batter into the pan. You will want to scoop out a little less than half a cup (so around 100ml). It doesn’t matter if they are not perfectly round. Use a spring ice cream scoop or a half-cup measuring cup.
  • Cook the muffins for around 3 minutes and until they are golden on one side with the lid on. Flip and repeat on the other side.
  • Repeat with the remainder of the muffins. You should get 6 -8 out of a batch.
  • Sprinkle a baking tray with semolina flour or polenta and place each muffin on that. Bake for around 8 – 12 minutes (depending on the size) and until they are fluffed up and fully baked.
  • Slice and toast them before serving.
  • English muffins can be pre-sliced and then stored in the freezer for later use. Simply remove and pop them in the toaster.


A spring ice cream scoop or measuring cup makes portioning these out evenly.
Semolina flour or polenta helps to prevent the English muffins from sticking to the tray but also gives the base a slightly crunchy texture.
Servings: 6 -8
Author: Sam Linsell






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  1. These flavorful, fluffy English muffins are the perfect addition to any breakfast! A combination of whole wheat flour, raisins, and a hint of cinnamon will make your morning start off on the right foot. Loved your recipe!!

    – Jack from Skilletguy.com

  2. I’m so glad you enjoyed this recipe Jack

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