White chocolate, cranberry and pecan nut cookies

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White chocolate and cranberry cookies

This white chocolate, cranberry & pecan nut cookie is my all-time favourite cookie recipe and I usually make them with macadamia nuts. They are gooey and chewy with pockets of delicious white chocolate.

I find American cookies completely irresistible and get the whole raw cookie dough-eating thing. I had a good few picks at it while making these.

Recipe – makes quite a few 

Sensational when slightly warm from the oven with the white chocolate still soft and gooey. The dried cranberries add so much value…now I need to give these away as soon as possible otherwise I am going to have to schedule an extra few sessions with my personal trainer.

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White chocoalte, cranberry and nut cookies

White chocolate, cranberry and pecan nut cookies

White chocolate, cranberry and nut cookies
Print Recipe
White chocolate and cranberry cookies
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:12 minutes


  • 300 gm white chocolate cut up into chunks – big and small
  • 100 gm butter
  • 1 egg
  • 50 gm muscovado / brown sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 180 gm or 1 1/4 cup flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 85 gm caster sugar
  • 50 gm dried cranberries
  • 50 gm pecan nuts chopped or macadamia nuts or others could work


  • Preheat the oven to 180C/350F
  • melt 85gms of the choc in a double boiler, then cool a little
  • beat butter, egg, sugars and vanilla with an electric beater until creamy
  • beat in the melted choc
  • stir in the flour, baking powder, cranberries, nuts and remaining chocolate to make a stiff dough
  • using a tablespoon measure, drop small mounds well spaced on a lined baking sheet (silicone baking sheets work really well)
  • you could also reserve some of the nuts, berries and chocolate pieces and place these into the cookies after they are on the tray so they poke out (extra pretty)
  • bake for 12 minutes
  • allow to cool for 1 -2 minutes then put on a cooling rack (this is quite important as they carry over cooking quite a bit after baking and can go a bit too brown if left on the baking pan)
  • You could double up and freeze the already formed cookie discs for later use.


These cookies keep for a few days in a sealed container.
Author: Sam Linsell



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  1. hi sam, i made these cookies and they tasted pretty good. However, i noticed something about the recipe. when i was making the cookies, the dough was runny and it wasn’t cohesive. I had to add about 6 more heaped spoons of flour. The same thing happened for your tangerine cake. Is it something I’m doing wrong? Another thing- the white chocolate basically dried up in the cookie. There was no gooey, delectable melted chocolate. 🙁 Thanks! Other than that, great recipe!!!! 😛 <3

  2. Hi minh-e – this is very strange as I just remade these cookies (with a flavour adpation) and they worked out perfectly fine, not runny at all. AS for the white chooclate not melting, that would all depend on the white chocolate you use. In general white choc tends to go hard in the oven unlike darker chocolate which melts much more easily (and stays melted). I assume you are referring to my clementine upside down cakes? this is a classic pound cake recipe (the base of it) and the ratios are spot on. I also remade these last week and they were perfect. Im sorry I cant help as I can only image there is a measuring issue here or you have added the incorrect amount of ingredient. The clementine cakes have actually got a very firm cake batter which I scoop out with an ice cream scoop. They have been made by dozens of people (see comments) and always work out. Im sorry these recipes were not a success for you.

  3. Hi Sam, my hubby and I were having fun the other night and added Amarula to the cookie dough, it actually turned out quite well and might be a nice little spin on the cookie especially around Christmas time! My boss asks me for these cookies just about every other week so this recipe is definitely a winner.

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