Fruit, nut and seed loaf

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Cape seed loaf with fruit, nuts and seeds

This recipe for fruit, nut, and seed loaf is one that I have wanted to make for a while because all the fruit, seeds and nuts really appeal to me. It comes from the book “Franschhoek Food” by Myrna Robbins and is a recipe from the very fabulous La Residence boutique hotel.

There is nothing quite like homemade bread. The smell as it’s baking and the warmth as it comes out of the oven.  With a little butter melting into a slice, it comes very close to being a perfect food moment for me.

The original recipe makes 4 loaves, so I divided this to make just one.

This bread is easy to make, super healthy and packed with lots of crunchy textures and soft fruit.

Recipe – makes one loaf

fruit, nut and seed loaf

A wholesome wholewheat, nut and seed loaf {Cape seed loaf} bread recipe
Print Recipe
Cape seed loaf with fruit, nuts and seeds
Prep Time:5 minutes
Cook Time:50 minutes


  • 5 gm instant yeast
  • 340 gm nutty wheat flour 
  • 1/2  tsp salt
  • 100 gms of seeds mixed – I used poppy, sunflower and sesame
  • 30 – 40 gms of chopped pecan nuts walnuts would also be nice
  • 1/4 cup of chopped dried fruit I used Turkish apricots and raisins – you could also use prunes or cranberries
  • 380 – 420 ml of lukewarm water


  • Preheat the oven to 180 C (350 F)
  • Add all the ingredients (except the water) and mix in a bowl – keeping a small handful of seeds aside for the topping
  • Add the water to the dry mix and mix until a dough forms.
  • Place the dough into a loaf tin that has been lined with baking paper (I always line my baking tins with paper).
  • Sprinkle over the reserved nuts, cover with a tea towel and leave to rise in a warm place for about half an hour.
  • Bake for 40 – 50 minutes until golden brown and when a knife comes out clean after you have pierced it.


This loaf will last for a few days in a sealed container. It freezes perfectly. Freeze slices for later use if necessary.
Servings: 1 loaf
Author: Sam LInsell


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  1. Stunning! That bread tin is so cool!

  2. Thanks hun, I love it and it and have baked 2 other types of bread in it since. I like that its so deep and vintage and original. A superb find for a whopping R35! 🙂

  3. Thanks for sharing this easy and healthy recipe!! I also love the bread tin!

  4. I love the little nuggets of fruit in the loaf. Of course the bread tin is fab too!

  5. Thanks Nina :-). I too loved the soft apricots in the bread (and I love raisins in bread too).

  6. That looks great! I love that it’s made with yeast and it’s filled with such yummy things. I think your loaf pan is really cool too!

  7. this looks wonderful. mmmmbread

  8. Perfect

  9. Heather Scott says:

    Your recipe says ‘nutty wheat’. We don’t have ‘nutty wheat’ flour in the UK…what could I use instead? I LOVE Cape seed bread and this looks like a lovely recipe

  10. HI Heather – Nutty wheat is a whole wheat flour with bits of the wheat husk. Any whole wheat / whole grain flour will work.

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