Lemon cheesecake with nut crumble

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lemon cheesecake desserts

In this recipe for lemon cheesecake with nut crumble I have used lemon curd to add a delicious lemony flavour. The nut crumble is buttery very crunchy

I unearthed a variety of items from my kitchen cupboards, which I gave away, threw away, or made a commitment to myself to use up in a recipe as soon as possible because I hate wasting food.

I found a jar of lemon curd buried in the dark depths and thought I would do a variation of my recent strawberry cheesecake recipe. I still had some of the nut crumble mix left over – it keeps for ages and was still super crunchy and delicious. Or you can very easily adapt my easy granadilla curd recipe and make your own.

I adapted the recipe further here and it turned out delicious.

fresh raspberries

For a mild lemon flavour use 150ml as per the recipe, but if you want it more lemony, add more of the curd. It is a stable recipe and there is room to move around whilst still feeling secure that it will set.

I have to say that this is really such a great base recipe for an individual cheesecake dessert. I would never use any other. I’m keen to try a chocolate and white chocolate version sometime in the future.

lemon cheesecake

A few other desserts you might like:

Berry cheesecake with almond crumble

Strawberry cheesecake with nut crumble

Basque burnt cheesecake

Honey, rosewater & cinnamon panna cotta

Mocha mousse parfait

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Classic South African unbaked milk tarts

lemon cheesecake

An easy no-bake lemon cheesecake with nut crumble made from lemon curd
Print Recipe
lemon cheesecake


  • 125 g crème fraîche
  • 250 g cream cheese cheese
  • 100 g icing sugar
  • 150 - 170 ml lemon curd
  • 250 ml cream
  • 3 leaves Gelatine
  • Fresh raspberries for garnish

Nut crumble

  • 125 g flour
  • 85 g butter
  • 50 g macadamia nuts
  • 50 g almonds
  • 55 g Demerara sugar
  • 1/2 t vanilla extract


  • For the cheesecake, soak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water for about 5 minutes, and use a little bit of the cream and melt the gelatine over a double boiler. Set aside to cool.
  • Mix together the crème fraîche, cream cheese, sugar, and lemon curd (I used an electric stand mixer with whisk attachment). Put the cream in a separate bowl and whisk until stiff. Gently fold the gelatine into the cream mix and gradually fold the stiff cream into the cream cheese mixture little by little until completely combined.
  • To assemble the cheesecake, spoon out a layer of crumble at the bottom of your serving glass and top with a good dollop of lemon cheesecake mix. refrigerate until ready to serve.
  • Decorate with fresh raspberries
Author: Sam Linsell

lemon cheesecake



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  1. Carolie de Koster says:

    I made home made cream cheese during our Greek Cheese making class on Saturday – … now I know what to do with it today! Thank you Sam! C xxx

  2. Hi Sam gelatine is not kosher is there any substitute for this product.

    Alan Bender

  3. I completely relate to tidying up when I feel overwhelmed. Sometimes it feels like the one thing I can control.

    What a great idea – these little cheesecakes. They look delicious and I love those little glasses.

  4. Yumm!!! I need this for my sweet tooth right now!!

  5. Sam, I’m exactly the same! I sort cupboards (or the garage) when I feel like I need to get control back. It helps!! This cheesecake will help too, looks delicious. xx

  6. Thanks Ilse 🙂

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